Our commitment to sustainability - HQWW® certificate

Ecotourism is a responsible way of travelling, in which tourists visit a foreign country while preserving and respecting the natural environment and the local culture, by supporting the local economy and projects for the conservation and valorisation of the natural and cultural heritage.

We offer tours in full respect of the rules of ecotourism. We are committed to making sustainable our activities both from an environmental and a social point of view.

During the tours:

  1. We sail slowly to reduce fuel use and CO2 production.

  2. The boat engines are of the latest generation and comply with the directive 2003/44/EC on noise and exhaust emissions. This compliance allows us to operate within the Marine Protected Areas. We adopt every other possible precaution to reduce the emission of noise underwater.

  3. We have the High Quality Whale Watching Certificate® (HQWW®). During the observation of dolphins and whales, we operate minimizing the disturbance by adopting the code of good conduct (see below). The label is registered by ACCOBAMS and developed in collaboration with Pelagos Sanctuary.

  4. We pay great attention to anchoring to avoid damaging the seabed, especially the Posidonia meadows.

  5. We wash our boats avoiding waste of water and we only use biodegradable washing products.

  6. We host researchers from the non-profit MareTerra Environmental Research and Conservation on board. This allows the data collection for studying the local bottlenose dolphin population and promotes the protection of the species in the Mediterranean Sea. We collaborate with local institutions and universities and we participate in international projects.

  7. On board, we organize environmental education activities to increase knowledge of the marine environment and awareness of the problems suffered by the seas and oceans to improve our behaviour.

In office:

  1. We prefer, whenever possible, to reduce the use of paper in favour of electronic formats.

  2. Our movements take place, whenever possible, by bicycle or on foot.

  3. Electricity is a precious commodity so we try to take all possible measures to reduce its use.